Gradings Over 8s

Gradings Over 8s
British Judo Association Grading System
The belt system is a distinctive feature of judo. Promotion within the Mon and Kyu grades is based on technical ability, knowledge and understanding, together with Japanese terminology and supplementary knowledge. There is no contest requirement but it is expected that the judoka follows a recommended randori and contest program as illustrated in the syllabus and has attained appropriate levels of achievement for each colour belt.
‘Gradings’ provide a ‘ladder of achievement’ to measure progress in learning the different judo techniques. Gradings are every 6 months or so, to give sufficient time for students to learn the
techniques to move up a belt. The Gradings are deliberately challenging, so individuals feel a sense of real satisfaction in achieving their next belt. We invite parents to attend the last session of each term, so they can see just how much progress has been made and how quickly
the children soak up the knowledge from our Judo experts.
Judo grading’s allow students to monitor their progress and acknowledge their improvements. Everyone is different and we learn at different rates and in different ways. As individuals we want something unique for ourselves from the training we undertake and instruction we receive. Your path to Judo success is also a path to achieving your own personal goals and that journey will be unique, fun and challenging. Our instructors are here to guide you on your way to success and achievement and push you on that little bit further each time you train. To help your progression members are provided with a grading syllabus and regular grading sessions are held throughout the year. Grading enables you to see if you have understood the technical requirements for each grade and tests you under pressure. This is when you find out what you really know. Once you have achieved your grade you will have total confidence in your techniques and ability. Many of our students say that after passing their grading’s they feel they can go on in life and do anything they choose and succeed!
There are 7 belts before you reach your 1st Dan Black Belt, each belt is also divided into three MON grades. this can take you between 7 and 9 years to achieve depending on the level of effort and level of commitment you put into your training. It isn’t meant to be easy but to be challenging and enlightening. Think of your Black belt as the martial arts equivalent to an Academic Degree.
Time Requirements & Frequency of Gradings
Students in general should grade every 4 – 6 months. This is a rough guideline, some people will move quicker others will take longer. It’s not about getting to your goal the quickest, it’s about making the most of your journey towards your goal. Always push yourself to understand your techniques and how to use them effectively, ask questions and condition your mind and body, start to see what is possible.